Visitor Profiles (Olark Classic)
**NOTE: This help article was written for our Olark Classic chat console. Some things may not apply, may have moved, or may look different. For up to date chat console documentation, click here.
Visitor Profiles allow you to store helpful information about your visitors making it viewable to any agent who chats with that visitor in the future. Every Visitor Profile includes default fields for name, email, and phone. If you're on a paid plan, you can also create up to 100 custom fields for each visitor.
Note: Custom profile fields are only available on a paid plan. Free Olark users can add and edit values for name, email, and phone.
Updating Profiles During a Chat
While you're chatting with a visitor, you can add new custom fields to their profile, edit existing fields, and update field values. Visitor Profile fields appear under the Profile tab on the right-hand side of the agent chat console.
Fields and values are stored on that visitor’s individual profile and will be available to any agent to view and update in the conversation transcript (see below) or during future chats with that visitor. Note that fields and values may not appear as expected during future chats if the visitor clears their browser cookies between visits.
Updating profiles in transcripts
After a conversation ends, you can also view and update the visitor's profile from the conversation transcripts.
Navigate to your transcript archive from your Olark dashboard and select a conversation to view the visitor's profile.
The profile appears in the right-hand sidebar of the transcript page. From here, you can:
- Edit existing profile fields
- Add new custom profile fields
- Open the History log to see changes that have been made to the visitor's profile over time
- Open the Activity tab to see transcripts of other conversations with this visitor
Add a Field
To add a new custom field to a visitor’s profile, click Add new profile field. Fill in a descriptive field name and value and click Done to save the information.
Visitor Profile fields are unique to each visitor; adding a field to one visitor's profile does not automatically add it to all visitors' profiles.
Fields and values are limited to 256 characters. To store more text, consider saving a Visitor Note.
Update a Field
Click Edit to update field values or to change the name of a custom field. The default field names (name, email, and phone) cannot be edited.
Delete a Field
Click Edit to enter edit mode and then click the 'x' to the right of a field's value to remove that field from the visitor's profile. The default fields for name, email, and phone cannot be deleted.