Full list of Olark features
Wondering if Olark has the features you need? Here's a super-detailed list of everything our product can do.

Chat tools

View features
File sharing

Send and receive JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF and TXT files via the chatbox.
Chat transfers

Reassign chats to deliver consistent service and efficient solutions.
Visitor details

View visitor name, location, and more while you chat.
Chat notifications

Receive desktop notifications for new chat messages.
Visitor page tracking

Track the URL of visitors as they move through your site.

Chat Analytics

View features
Chat volume

Monitor chat volume to identify your busiest times and staff accordingly.
Chat tagging

Add custom tags to your chats for transcript sorting and analysis.
Visitor history

Review prior interactions with visitors from within the chat console.
Emailed reports

Receive daily, weekly, or monthly summaries of data in your inbox.
Google Analytics

Automatically add chat events to your Google Analytics dashboard.
Transcript archives

Review, search, and filter complete transcripts of all you chats.

Team Management

View features

Create agent groups to route chats by department, specialty, and more.
Conversation limit

Improve service by limiting the number of chats per agent.
Activity monitoring

View chat volume, agent activity, and other metrics in real-time.
Agent performance reports

View agent availability, response times, and ratings.
Customer satisfaction survey

Ask visitors to rate their service when a chat ends.
Pre-chat survey

Ask questions or request contact details before starting a chat.


View features
Chat routing

Automatically assign chats based on visitor details.
Proactive chat

Initiate a chat when a visitor meets your specified criteria.
Canned responses

Speed up chat with keyboard shortcuts for frequently-used messages.
Visitor targeting

Automate messages and chatbox behavior based on visitor details.
Automatic greeter

Greet visitors with an automated chat message.
Offline contact form

Offer a custom contact form when chat is offline.


View features

Control the chatbox appearance and behavior through Olark's JavaScript API.
Custom logo

Attach your company logo to your chatbox, or choose another custom image.
Chat box theme

Customize your chatbox colors, shape, and more to match your brand.
Unlimited domains

Add your chatbox to multiple websites, or to subdomains.
Language selection

Set your chatbox and chat console to your preferred language.
Right to left support

Customize your chatbox to support right-to-left languages.


View features
GDPR consent

Add pre-chat visitor consent options to your chatbox.
Data redaction

Automatically redact a visitor data from transcripts.
Data encryption

All Olark data is stored with AES symmetric encryption.
Troll block: IP ban

Hide the chatbox from specified IP addresses and block trolls.


View features











View features

View, annotate, and control your visitor's screen.
Non-branded chat box

Remove 'Powered by Olark' branding from you chatbox.
Live chat translation

Automatically translate messages in 100+ languages.
Visitor insights: Social

Collect visitor data from public websites & social profiles.
Visitor insights: Social & Professional

Collect visitor data from business websites & social profiles.

Chat tools
File sharing
Send and receive JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF and TXT files via the chatbox.

Chat transfers
Reassign chats to deliver consistent service and efficient solutions.

Visitor details
View visitor name, location, and more while you chat.

Chat notifications
Receive desktop notifications for new chat messages.

Visitor page tracking
Track the URL of visitors as they move through your site.

Chat Analytics
Chat volume
Monitor chat volume to identify your busiest times and staff accordingly.

Chat tagging
Add custom tags to your chats for transcript sorting and analysis.

Visitor history
Review prior interactions with visitors from within the chat console.

Emailed reports
Receive daily, weekly, or monthly summaries of data in your inbox.

Google Analytics
Automatically add chat events to your Google Analytics dashboard.

Transcript archives
Review, search, and filter complete transcripts of all you chats.

Team Management
Create agent groups to route chats by department, specialty, and more.

Conversation limit
Improve service by limiting the number of chats per agent.

Activity monitoring
View chat volume, agent activity, and other metrics in real-time.

Agent performance reports
View agent availability, response times, and ratings.

Customer satisfaction survey
Ask visitors to rate their service when a chat ends.

Pre-chat survey
Ask questions or request contact details before starting a chat.

Chat routing
Automatically assign chats based on visitor details.

Proactive chat
Initiate a chat when a visitor meets your specified criteria.

Canned responses
Speed up chat with keyboard shortcuts for frequently-used messages.

Visitor targeting
Automate messages and chatbox behavior based on visitor details.

Automatic greeter
Greet visitors with an automated chat message.

Offline contact form
Offer a custom contact form when chat is offline.

Control the chatbox appearance and behavior through Olark's JavaScript API.

Custom logo
Attach your company logo to your chatbox, or choose another custom image.

Chat box theme
Customize your chatbox colors, shape, and more to match your brand.

Unlimited domains
Add your chatbox to multiple websites, or to subdomains.

Language selection
Set your chatbox and chat console to your preferred language.

Right to left support
Customize your chatbox to support right-to-left languages.

GDPR consent
Add pre-chat visitor consent options to your chatbox.

Data redaction
Automatically redact a visitor data from transcripts.

Data encryption
All Olark data is stored with AES symmetric encryption.

Troll block: IP ban
Hide the chatbox from specified IP addresses and block trolls.











Pay monthly:
View, annotate, and control your visitor's screen.
Non-branded chat box
Remove 'Powered by Olark' branding from you chatbox.
Live chat translation
Automatically translate messages in 100+ languages.
Visitor insights: Social
Collect visitor data from public websites & social profiles.
Visitor insights: Social & Professional
Collect visitor data from business websites & social profiles.